I went to my pre-operative appointment today. It was basically for blood work and discussing surgery expectations with the head OR nurse.
Last evening I could not sleep at all. I was afraid to take any sort of thing for it even though it is all homeopathic in nature. I am amazed now at the things I was afraid of before my appointment.
I read somewhere that garlic would thin my blood, and so it is to be avoided 1-2 weeks prior to surgery. This was a tad distressing as I eat at least 3-4 fair sized cloves a day. When I asked the nurse, she informed me that it was okay to eat it, just stay away from the garlic pills. I have decided to cut back regardless.
I have also cut back on my coffee intake. I had (painfully) stopped for a couple of days, but the nurse confirmed for me today that it would not be hazourdous to drink coffee.
Before going to the hospital today, I was extremely anxious. One of my concerns is getting down to an acceptable size. When I talked to my plastic surgeon (ps), he told me that he would make me a size that fit my body. I want to go smaller than that. I am not concerned with my size being proportionate to my body. And I do not mind it anything looks odd in the end. As long as it isn't noticeable under a t-shirt. As long as it does not draw attention when I am clothed. I am fortunate in that aspect because I am immersed in such a supportive community in that sense.
When I went to check in, the admitting nurse told me that my PS would not be there. I went into a small panic. This was later resolved when the Head Nurse assured me that my PS would come to talk to me the morning of the surgery, and that we would discuss sizing. She also told me that he is the best in the Maritimes, and that is the third time I have heard that. I can also call the office if I need more reassurance. I have been waiting for 2 1/2 years for this appointment, but I am very willing to walk out if I can not go small enough.
If this is the case, I can always go back to Ontario where the waiting list is apparently a lot shorter.
Anyways, after talking to the HN for an hour, I felt much more confident. She was funny and she told me she would more than likely be on the floor with me when I go in for my surgery.
I went to a store afterwards, went to the bra section and looked at different cup sizes. I think that is when it hit me the hardest. I was so ecstatic I could hardly breathe. You know that kind of "I can't stop grinning" kind of look. I look crazy when I get that excited, but I could not help it.