Holy crud is it ever approaching quickly. I lost an entire day yesterday due to intense menstrual cramps for which I could not take my medication. The extend of the pain caused nausea. Such fun.
Well, I think I am almost ready to go into the hospital. I have to pack two different bags. The e hospital is keeping me for two days. After that, two of my friend are taking me in for an undisclosed amount of time to take care of me. Fantastic. I cannot believe how nice my friends are.
I finally got my post-op bra today. Very exciting. It was actually harder to find the proper bra as my doctor gave me a strict description to stick to. A sports bra, pull over, no underwire, no "bells and whistles" (nurse's words), a size down from my sizing now (to compensate for swelling), and it has to be brand new, as in not stretched. I think if I had to do it over, I would start looking sooner.
I have also cut salt and garlic out of my diet. I use a lot of salt and garlic usually, so it is rather difficult.
I have washed all of my laundry. I am getting all of my affairs in order. I am preparing enough cat food to last a month (hopefully). I am trying to get prepared fully. There is a thought in the back of my mind that I am forgetting something big.
I called the hospital today to find out about pain killers for post-op, but apparently the doctor does not prescribe them usually. Apparently this is a pain-free operation. How is that? They are going to cut me open, scoop out some innards, detach and re-attach my areolas, and it is going to be pain-free? I hate to say it, but I am skeptical. I will keep you informed regarding the pain.
Well, I guess that is all. My thought process is completly jumbled right now as I am getting wound up. I can hardly wait. I fear I may not sleep at all until I am put out for the surgery. The uhm, uh, pain-free surgery.